Sunday, May 1, 2011

Local Up and Coming Artists' Show

I have visited many galleries over the years but of all the showings there is one that has stuck with me.  While in college, one of my classes took a visit to a New York City  gallery.  The day before our trip my professor prepped us on the will-known artists' work we would be seeing.  As we toured the gallery, I noticed the artwork was quite simple and different from what I had seen before.  One work of art was as simple as a  piece of cardboard that had been stabbed by a pencil repeatedly.  A few weeks later, we had handed in our critiques on the art showing. My professor tells us that the "well-known" artists were actually just 5 year olds! That experience has taught me that art is how your perceive it.

Last year, I teamed up with local elementary school art teacher, Amy Battaglia to host our first kid's art show at Framed by Kosal.  For our first showing we hosted the 4th grade art club. This year we will be showing the art of 4th and 5th grade art club members. The art club meets once a week during recess and works on projects the school might need as well as their personal works of art.

This year's art show opening reception will be Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday, May 19th from 5:00 p.m-7:00 p.m.If you are not able to make the opening the children's art will be up for viewing in our store until June 1st.

Art from 2010 Kid's Art Show

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